
The training school will be partly taught (by expert trainers from FP1004) and partly practical (time spent by trainees working on modelling tasks).  You will need to bring your own computer.  Please remember that the UK has a different type of electricity plug from most other European countries so you will need an adapter.


Sigurdur Ormarsson (formally Technical University of Denmark now Linnaeus University in Sweden) [Topic T1]
Kay-Uwe Schober (Mainz University of Applied Sciences) [Topic T2]
Alfredo Dias (University of Coimbra) [Topic T3]
Dan Ridley-Ellis (Edinburgh Napier University) (local host) [Topic T4]


[T1] Finite element modelling (FEM) of moisture stresses and deformations
[T2] Modelling of 2D and 3D timber truss systems
[T3] The dynamic and static modelling of timber and timber concrete floors using FEM
[T4] Probabilistic assessment of timber properties via non-destructive measurement 

(Content may differ slightly)


Day 1 (Tuesday 28th April) [T4] and [T2 part 1]
09:00 - 17:30

Day 2 (Wednesday 29th April) [T2 part 2] and [T3]
09:00 - 17:30

Day 3 (Thursday 30th April) [T1]
09:00 - 16:00

Click here for the detailed programme

[T1] Finite element modelling (FEM) of moisture stresses and deformations
  - Two-dimensional finite element simulation of moisture flow in timber boards.
  - Two-dimensional finite element simulation of moisture induced stresses in timber boards.

[T2] Modelling of 2D and 3D timber truss systems
  - Modelling of timber roof structures (2D/3D, including joints) comparing FEM and classic truss model software.  Modeling of timber roof structures with truss models (considering joint type and geometry)
  - Simplified truss models for traditional/historical connections (considering joint stiffness, moisture change etc.).  Truss models for (timber-concrete) composite structures with non-uniform distributed loads and shear connectors

[T3] The dynamic and static modelling of timber and timber concrete floors using FEM
 - Static short term modelling of timber and timber-concrete systems (Analytical/code models & FEM models)
 - Dynamic modelling of timber and timber-concrete systems (Analytical/code models & FEM models)

[T4] Probabilistic assessment of timber properties via non-destructive measurement
  - Sources and extent of variation in wood properties
  - Outline of the European system of timber strength grading
  - Non-destructive techniques with demonstrations
  - Exercise in statistical modelling for research work