
We anticipate that the course will be over-subscribed and in accordance with COST rules, creation of a reasonable geographical (and gender) balance will be taken into account in allocating the Trainee grants. To ensure the participation of Trainees from all countries, we may consider making two levels of Trainee grant.

Reimbursement will be under normal COST rules with the following additions.

1) You must be based in one of the countries that are members of FP1004

2) Within each country we will apply a first come first served basis. There will be a limit on allocation of Trainee grants to students from any one country, which will be set according the number of applications received. The method of allocation will be:
  i) First to apply from each of the participating countries, then (if budget allows)
  ii) Second to apply from each of the participating countries in application order (if budget allows)
  iii) If budget remains, third, fourth and so on until the budget is allocated.

3) The normal level of grant to each course participant is a single sum of is EUR 600 to cover transport and subsistence (including accommodation). For students from Croatia/Turkey/ the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia/Bulgaria, we will consider increasing this grant of to EUR 800. There is no fee for the course for COST delegates. If you wish to apply for an increased grant, please contact the organiser and host, Dan Ridley-Ellis via

Lunch will be provided on the days of the training school.  Participants from the UK will not be reimbursed if they do not need to travel to attend the training school.

You will be notified if you have been allocated a reimbursement, but in order to receive it you will need to have a formal invitation from FP1004 (via e-COST) to attend the training school.  You must have registered for an e-COST profile at - and have added your bank details to your profile.  Reimbursement is expected one month after the course, provided you return the information promptly.

You must sign the meeting attendance list on each day that you attend the training school.